HK preachers: Preach this
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

HK preachers: Preach this

HK preachers have overlooked preaching Psalm 1:3 to show how our leaders have been blessed. It’s therefore about time pastors and preachers stop shying away from telling Christians in HK the positives of our leaders. Time to tell the good story of HK …

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Not Jerzy Popiełuszko, but Joseph
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Not Jerzy Popiełuszko, but Joseph

Not all could be Jerzy Popiełuszko. On the other end of the spectrum, there are millions who would simply adopt the ways described in “Staying in Hong Kong”. Perhaps there’s a niche for those who are in a reasonable position of influence …

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Messi Mess prompts a consideration
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Messi Mess prompts a consideration

Just can’t resist to wade into the earlier Messi Inter Miami mess in HK. A question arises: Should Messi stick to playing the best soccer, leaving the shaking hands with sanctioned personalities to others. Further, should preachers stick to preaching …

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My Regular Prayers
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

My Regular Prayers

For the past few years, I have practised daily prayers. Of course prayers and supplications for family and friends, their well being and salvation. What this piece is about, is my regular prayers for those in HK suffering since the Anti-extradition movement …

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WuHan: What’s in a name?
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

WuHan: What’s in a name?

The virus was first confirmed to have spread to Italy on 31 January 2020, when two Chinese tourists in Rome tested positive for the virus. One week later an Italian man repatriated to Italy from the city of Wuhan, China, was hospitalized …

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Staying in Hong Kong
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Staying in Hong Kong

The ministry of Word and prayer is top priority to the pastors. If a pastor has withdrawn from pulpit ministry, what else to do to fulfil a pastoral vocation whilst still in Hong Kong? By the amazing grace of God, the laity will now take centre stage. They just do …

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Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer


Recently average HK people showed what it was that enabled them to survive 3 yrs and 8 months. It was something that’s kind of hard to put the finger on it. But perhaps this might do: HK people have backbone. Kind of like Cicadas. Under earth but have life …

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HKU incident
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

HKU incident

I wasn’t from HKU so I really don’t care about the recent political tussles. But it reminded me of the localisation of civil service while I was still there. HK Chinese civil servants harboured a dislike, contempt, even hatred …

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