HKU incident

University of Hong Kong West Gate (Minghong, CC BY-SA 4.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

I wasn’t from HKU so I really don’t care about the recent political tussles.
But it reminded me of the localisation of civil service while I was still there.

HK Chinese civil servants harboured a dislike, contempt, even hatred towards Gweillos civil servants. To simplify things, Gweillos gone, our time comes.

Parallels can be found in blacks in USA administrations. No need to say more.

But there was a layer between Gweillos and local HK Chinese civil servants. That was a bunch of Chinese with HK roots but educated overseas and returned to work. These people overtook locals coz they wrote and spoke better, even thought, closer to Gweillos.

When Gweillos were driven out, these overseas-educated Chinese replaced Gweillos as the target of dislike, contempt, and hatred.
Time to repay what they had looked down upon the locals’ Chinglish.
Just follow the HK Police and one can get it.

HKU Vice Chancellor came from China, not even HK, educated in USA and even naturalised there.

Imagine the hatred.

Get chips, peanuts and beer ready.


Jerzy Popiełuszko


A good real life example for hermeneutics, culture, and politics