WuHan: What’s in a name?

A recent news report of the court proceedings in the case of Jimmy Lai caught my attention.

It allegedly said that Lai instructed adopting the term WuHan Pneumonia to harm CCP China.

I dug up an article below:
“The virus was first confirmed to have spread to Italy on 31 January 2020, when two Chinese tourists in Rome tested positive for the virus. One week later an Italian man repatriated to Italy from the city of Wuhan, China, was hospitalized and confirmed as the third case in Italy.”  (“First Italian dies of coronavirus as outbreak flares in north”. Reuters. 21 February 2020. Retrieved 6 March 2020.)

Don’t dwell on why Italy was the first international victim country.
Don’t dwell on why Chinese showed up sick in Italy firstly.
Don’t dwell on the connection of Wenzhou to Italian fashion industry.

The call for reparations for millions who died all over the world since that virus first exploded in Wuhan, dropped out of sight.

Memories faded.
Just Covid 19.
No WuHan connection.

Jimmy Lai made sure memory became historical record with the name WuHan Pneumonia.

Historical record could be massaged via influence on WHO so the connection to WuHan could be “scientificized”.

Was Jimmy Lai the only news people who used that name?
Was Apple Daily the only paper that did?

Jimmy Lai did the same just as many in HK then had been doing all along.
o    Spanish flu 1918
o    German Measles(Rubella)
o    Africa swine fever

Why couldn’t WuHan Pneumonia?

In the screenshots here it can be seen that in 2020, both Ming Pao which was cozy with CCP in HK, and China Press which was in bed with CCP China, both used WuHan Pneumonia.

Clearly at that time they didn’t yet “received the memo”.

I had the occasion of using the term WuHan Pneumonia a couple of times and received some blowbacks from quarters friendly to the force that pushed for COVID 19.

So I looked around and found newspapers using the term and hence the screenshots.
There ought to be more.

Then I stuck to history and forever described it along the line of “ever since it first exploded in WuHan”.

History should not forget.
Relatives of the decased should not forget.
Countries with thousands of deaths should not forget.

It’s likely history will not forget.

It took many years for colonists countries to admit and confess their treatments of aboriginals.
It took many years for Korean Comfort Women to receive their dues.
It took many years for the abused to get admission from the Boston Catholic Diocese.

It is still an uphill battle in USA to recognise reparation for black slaves.

But history will not forget.
History will forever etch “it first exploded in WuHan, PRC”.


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