My Regular Prayers

I’ve blogged about Prayers: “Clean Prayers” and “Unclean Prayers”.

Never have I shared my own prayers.

Reading Among the Braves (ISBN 978-0306830365) prompted my memory.

For the past few years, I have for the most part, practised daily prayers.

Of course prayers and supplications for family and friends, their well being and salvation, will need no mention.

What this piece is about, is my regular prayers for those in HK suffering since the Anti-extradition movement.

It doesn’t pretend to be a template.
Neither a badge of honor.
Just a daily routine that springs from whatever that’s boiling within.

For those held (Note 1), I’d pray to my Heavenly Father these:
o    first to protect them, many over 1000 days.
o    Keep them from harms.
o    If they have committed to Christ, the Spirit guard them with peace and fill them with unspeakable joy.
o    Give them health and friends.
o    Use them as mouthpieces of the Gospel.
o    Lead visitors to go cheerlead for their fight.
o    Use them to help other inmates in English, Law, business etc.
o    Strengthen their inner man at times of solitude and doubt.

I would pray for their family who have been torn away from them, spouse struggling alone, children missing father and mother.

I pray that they would be petered from traumatic effects that might distort their growth.

I pray that God would provide for their families, like providing for Elijah, when their main bread winners suddenly in custody.

Imagine doctors, lawyers, professors suddenly draw no income for their families, for three long years!

o    I too would praise God for keeping them there because there they might receive more timely medical attention than outside.
o    In there, they may be forced into healthy habits that would militate against high blood pressure, cholesterol, and diabetes.
o    In there, they could be used to help other inmates less educated.
o    In there, they could witness to non believer inmates.

At the same time, I do put in a persistent prayer or two for those in power (Note 2):
o    Remember those who dealt harshly and unjustly with citizens who pay their salaries.
o    Blow away their wealth.
o    Ruin their heath.
o    Double portion repay their misery.
o    Repay what they did to families on their own.
o    Show God is just.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Note 1
It’s not been easy for me to remember so many names and I should confess that I don’t know a lot of names of those held. So I just memorised some and visually located them in mind so that it would be easier to recall them in prayers with closed eyes everyday. No name is given. Readers who can tell will know.

They are in the order I place them in my mental image:
o    Apple Daily owner
o    HKU Law professor
o    Young man failed to get in US Consulate
o    Female reporter in 721 YL
o    Guy with very long hair
o    Protester with paper coffin
o    First witness in 47 case
o    Specialist physician, Legislative Council member
o    Former female reporter of The Standard, Legislative Council member
o    Skinny guy in NT & opposed Carrie in Queens Pier saga
o    612 “See your Commander” guy
o    Lawyer for Dem Party
o    Labour Right champion & wife
o    Young female barrister with candle vigil
o    Apple executives
o    KOL at 3pm held the earliest
o    Co-host in Singjia
o    Former air pilot
o    Young Barrister freshly married before being nabbed
o    Solicitor accuser turned accused 721

Note 2
There should be more who deserve being remembered but regrettably I don’t remember all their names. These are those constantly on my mind:
o    Former Chief Executive sanctioned and thus receives salary in cash and whose husband didn’t clap at national anthem
o    Police Commissioner 2019 and reportedly retired in USA unsanctioned
o    Former Chief Executive who became FB blogger
o    S for Security in 2019 who became sanctioned Chief Executive
o    Deputy Commissioner of Police leading the siege of his Alma Mater the Chinese U
o    Top National People’s Delegate
o    A male and female DAB legislator who held a press conference with the mother of the murder victim to push for extradition of the murderer CHAN, leading to the anti extradition movement
o    Winnie the Pooh


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WuHan: What’s in a name?