Staying in Hong Kong

Staying in Hong Kong

On the final day of 2023 “Jerzy Popiełuszko” came out.

It really wasn’t a piece to indict all of HK.
It was a focused laser on those who speak in the pulpit every Sunday, and behind lecterns in seminaries.

That said, there was an aftertaste in the mouth, along the likes of…
What should we do while staying in hk and not standing behind the pulpit?

That would now be addressed.

“Not standing behind the pulpit” referred to two groups of people.
- [ ] One, preachers and pastors who have taken the cue from Jerzy Popiełuszko to stop preaching altogether, although they wouldn’t follow his footsteps;
- [ ] Two, average congregants, or nonbeliever citizens who for whatever reasons have chosen to go through the “3 year and 8 months” with HK.

First group first.

The ministry of Word and prayer is top priority to this group.
If a pastor has withdrawn from pulpit ministry, what else to do to fulfil a pastoral vocation whilst still in Hong Kong?
After all, isn’t that—to fulfil a pastoral vocation—the professed reason for staying in HK?

But, there’s still the ministry of “prayer” to pursue.
It’s a perfect opportunity to detox from busy schedules and “actions” so commonly plaqued the pastorate.
It is time to appreciate and emulate the ministry of Teresa of Avila!

If they could, they should, and would never have run out of prayer items.
Come to think of it, isn’t that the most pacifist, non-divisive, and blessed pastoral function?
And safest from prosecution?!

And God is gracious to this group of “pastoral” devotees, because there’s still one more avenue for their proclaimed vocational activity.

That’s the work of mercy.


If you stay in HK, in a church, as a pastor, you will definitely come across plenty of real life tragedies that require mercy.
- [ ] Mothers with imprisoned youngsters;
- [ ] Family of industrial accident deaths;
- [ ] Broken marriages, with young children;
- [ ] Parents of retarded children;
- [ ] Aged people left behind by emigrated children;
- [ ] Sudden unemployment or cancer prognosis.

The list goes on.
And at times like these, a pastoral heart and qualification will go a long way for them.

These have been overlooked because pastors were too busy preparing sermons, which have since been sanitized to avoid speaking on Caesar’s!

But now, since these pastors have stood away from the pulpit, leaving the brave work to the likes of Jerzy Popiełuszko.
So they will have plenty of time to devote to ministry of prayer and work of mercy.

But isn’t it a waste to drop the Ministry of the Word for the Work of mercy?

Well, when the Word has been emasculated and circumscribed by fearful kowtowing pastors, what ministry is there?
Besides, isn’t the work of mercy the central core, as demonstrated in “Just Asking (23): Which path to take?”

Now, the second group, laity.

By the amazing grace of God, this is the group that will now take centre stage, similar to those during the years of Cultural Revolution.

They need no pulpit.
They need no collar.
They need no church building.

They just do work of mercy.

They pray for and with the hurt.
They take foods to the needy.
They help babysit.
They forgive.
They forget.
They’d just be Samaritans.

It’s a no-brainer.
When the entire city is hurting and losing hope, she needs a shoulder to cry on.
And love and mercy.

God is merciful.
Seen in the Good Samaritan.
No need for priest nor temple assistant.
Just plain old Christian with the Father’s heart!

Yes, tune out the partisan cries, the YouTube KoLs, the propaganda, and the seemingly correct cries of legitimacy from the pulpit.
Be Christ to the blind, lame, imprisoned and oppressed.

Touch them with mercy.

That’s the path to vocation fulfilment if you stay in HK.
For however long that 3 Year and 8 Months might be.

Stay and be merciful!
Like your Father who is merciful.


WuHan: What’s in a name?

