HK preachers: Preach this

They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. (Psalm 1:3, NLT)

This verse has been so ignored.

HK preachers have overlooked preaching this to show how our leaders have been blessed.
How close to God our leaders are.
How righteous our leaders are.

Perhaps an unfortunate reaction to the Health and Wealth gospel.

It’s therefore about time pastors and preachers stop shying away from telling Christians in HK the positives of our leaders.

Time to tell the good story of HK.

Preaching it is not shoe shining.
It’s not shameful.
It’s not fabrication.
Instead it is just telling the facts.

Here are the facts.

Take the current Secretary for Security Mr PK Tang.
Call him PK.

PK(立場新聞, Copyrighted free use, via Wikimedia Commons)

Ps 1:3 says “they prosper in all they do”.
So just consider the facts.

PK was blessed to obtain his degree from one of the top universities of HK, the Chinese University of HK.
Then his career in the HK Police was the envy of all.

He rose to be in charge of a large area in the NT, including the now famous Yuen Long.
He was obviously blessed because he was promoted out of Yuen Long right before YL became forever married to the 721 episode.
What blessed timing!

Not just that.

When the “Black Riot” was raging, PK was tasked to lead the police response to quash the “Riot University” with tear gas and anti-riot measures.
A little mentioned fact: it must have really pierced PK’s heart as he marshalled the Police in a brutal thrashing of his own alma mater!

How righteous was PK!
How right was PK to be faithful to his master in the Government.
PK knew clearly Paul’s teaching that all authority came from God and must be obeyed.
How biblically correct was PK to demonstrate the plain biblical truth of “illegal is illegal”!

PK was rapidly rewarded.

Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

PK was blessed with double promotion:
First PK the Commissioner of Police, top of Police!
Second, PK the Secretary for Security, who oversees all disciplined services including Police.
Not to mention that he’s been blessed now with over HKD300K per month salary.
To cap it with the best badge of honor: being sanctioned by the evil USA!

And PK is now often rumoured to advance to the ultimate prize—the CE of HKSAR.

Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

Whilst on the subject on CE HKSAR, it must be noted that PK is not the only righteous person blessed.

Who else is?

The CE Mr John LI of course!

家超(China News Service, CC BY 3.0 <>, via Wikimedia Commons)

John began as a police, right out of secondary school.
It was reported that John took responsibility for forming a young family.
Righteous act.
Very respectable.

John worked his way up over the years, bearing all injustice over the years of British colonialism.
John gritted it through, respecting authority even though it was clearly unrighteous colonialism.
He endured from 1977, straddled 1997, and to 2012.
Many years under British Colonialism.
John kept his silence.
Just like the King of Yueh (越王句踐) slept on firewood for mattress and had a gall hung over his bed to remind him of the bitterness of his defeat and prepare for a comeback.

Then his career began to reflect the rich blessings.

He left the police to become an Under Secretary for Security, overseeing all disciplined forces including police.
A major step up!
A blessing!

John then became the Secretary for Security and had to shoulder the responsibility of clearing the police to launch tear gas and all riot control tools on those unruly mobs which later on became known as “Black Riot (黑暴) 2019-2020”.
John pursued what was right, did what was right, and kept the righteous respect of authority.

No wonder John was blessed with the ultimate prize: the CE of the HKSAR with over HKD 400K monthly salary, plus all benefits.
Blessings are being poured over and above John’s receiving vessel!
John was crowned with the USA sanction, a shinny badge of honor!

John is blessed.
No doubt about it.
Encouraged and appreciated by the top leader of China.
Who else in HK is more blessed?

Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do.

Therefore HK preachers please stay mum no more.
You all owe righteousness your voice.
You have all shortchanged people like PK and John.
Worse, you silent preachers all did a disfavour to HK Christians who follow you.
They don’t know that PK and John are righteous and that was why they are blessed to the brim!

Preachers, Professors of Theological Seminaries, Ordained ministers, and even non ordained pastors of Christian churches:

Preach Psalm 1:3 in the lives and careers of PK and John!

Preach emulation of their righteous acts!

Let Psalm 1:1-3 speak to the ones who have ears!

Oh, the joys of those who do not follow the advice of the wicked, or stand around with sinners, or join in with mockers. But they delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on it day and night. They are like trees planted along the riverbank, bearing fruit each season. Their leaves never wither, and they prosper in all they do. (NLT)


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