Surprised by Grace (9): His Hands

The same hands that held me
When I was born
The same hands that wrote
My story of grace
The same hands that rolled
The stone from the grave
Those hands are holding my world
Those hands are holding my world

When its hard to see
The end of the road
And the night is long
There’s one thing I know
When my strength is gone
Your love won’t let go
Your hands are holding my world
Your hands are holding my world

* * * * * * *

You forever reign
Lord for all my days I know
I can face tomorrow
I know I will be okay
Your hands are holding
My world
Your hands are holding
My world

* * * * * * *

The same breath
That gave the ocean its waves
The same voice
That tells the storm when to break
The same heart that knows
How much I can take
Those hands are holding my world
Those hands are holding my world


How nice if it could be true!
As the team was singing, my tears welled up.

It wasn’t about being sentimental.
It was about impact.
It was about focus.
It was never about me! Nor us!

The entire lyric focuses on the One. It invites listeners to dwell on the nature, character and might of the One.

There is no right or wrong theology.
Only good or bad.
Or, just uplifting or dragging down.
I like uplifting.
I like not focusing on myself.
I like the One who began it all.

Where else can I look to?
Who else could I trust?
What else better than His love?

I prefer his hands are holding my world.
I prefer to be surprised by Grace.


Surprised by Grace (10): No Room for Vengeance


Surprised by Grace (8): A Cry of Despair