Surprised by Grace (8): A Cry of Despair

It’s human nature.

There must be something we did wrong.
So wrong that it is irreparable.
So wrong that it has estranged us from Him.

We are convinced as a rational conclusion to a series of thinking, culminating from years of having been taught, that God is just and He wouldn’t justly let go so easily.
We too are convinced as an honest and incontrovertible reflection of our feelings, irrespective of whatever other rational explanations available, that He has turned the face away from us.

The bottom line is that we are doomed.
Prayers not answered.
Await judgement.
Case closed.

The experience is universal.
A convict exhausts the avenue of appeals.
A son gets the house door slammed on him and locks changed.
A spouse completes the divorce proceeding.

Verdict of death is issued.
No reprieve is expected.

Chance for a change?
Too extravagant, all say.
Not so if grace is real.

In panic I cried out,
“I am cut off from the Lord!”
But you heard my cry for mercy
and answered my call for help.
(Ps 31:22, NLT)

What a surprise?
And pleasant one at that!

Cut off? Yes!
Hopeless? Yes!
No way out? Yes, but!
But for a cry from desperation!
No idea on what basis that cry was uttered.
Perhaps subconsciously.
Perhaps primal.
Perhaps like that fellow mimicking his teacher to walk on water and suddenly got scared by the waves.
Sinking fellow.
“Lord, save me!”
Then he was plucked from sinking.

That’s surprise.
The signature of grace.


Surprised by Grace (9): His Hands


Surprised by Grace (7): A Second Chance for the 80-year-old Moses