只是問一下 (4):順服香港當權者?



對於那些在 2019 至 2022 年居於香港的,和那些仍然留在香港的,尤其是牧者和講道者,都會樂於聽到任何的回應。

我向來認為,羅馬凱撒對其治下人民及其親屬的殘暴,保羅是非常清楚的。因此,就羅馬書十三章 1 節的詮釋,除了那種流行於香港的基督教會內鋪天蓋地的說法之外,我總感到該有另類和更合乎情理的解釋。

在上有權柄的,人人要順服,因為沒有權柄不是來自上帝的。掌權的都是上帝所立的(羅十三 1《和修》)


你們為主的緣故要順服人的一切制度,或是在上的君王,或是君王所派懲惡賞善的官員(彼前二 13~14《和修》)





Just asking (4): Submit to HKG authorities?

I hope pastors or preachers can read this blog.

I have been wanting to find the answer to this question.

For those who were in HK over 2019-2022, and who still are staying in HK, pastors and preachers in particular, responses will be welcomed.

I always believe Paul must be aware of the cruelties Roman Caesars did to people, especially to their households. So I often feel that there must be an alternative and reasonable interpretation to the hegemonic one prevailing over HK Christian churches.
That’s, Roman 13:1’s call as commonly preached in HK churches, must be wrong.

Let every person be subject to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those that exist have been instituted by God (Rom 13:1, ESV).

But what about Peter?
Didn’t he too experience multiple times the injustice at Jewish and Roman authorities?

Be subject to every human institution for the Lord’s sake, whether to a king as supreme or to governors as those he commissions to punish wrongdoers and praise those who do good (1 Pet 2:13-14, NET).

Is it the case that whilst in Paul’s and Peter’s Roman system of emperors, there was no room for disobedience to authority, in a democratic system where election determines authority, and where civil and criminal judgements are given at courts, there is room for disobedience?

Shouldn’t HK Christians react to authority differently to what’s been preached in churches?

I’m just asking.


只是問一下 (5): DQ?


只是問一下 (3):他究竟在想些甚麼?