Unclean Prayers
Think Aloud: Prayer Baby Boomer Think Aloud: Prayer Baby Boomer

Unclean Prayers

Dear Father in Heaven, God of history: On this evocative Sunday I pray to you. I confess I am a sinner, full of transgressions, some I knew and repented of, some I am still struggling with, and some I don’t even know …

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Bread Alone
Think Aloud: Bible Baby Boomer Think Aloud: Bible Baby Boomer

Bread Alone

It’s long been used as a proof text. That the Word of God is paramount. Then slide over to the thesis: read the Bible. Word of God=Bible. Unassailable. No room for doubt. This piece is to challenge that almost sacrosanct assertion …

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Think Aloud: Church Baby Boomer Think Aloud: Church Baby Boomer


For the first time in this series’ history, a D.Min. is considered the same and therefore titled as a Doctor, just as a Ph.D. is entitled as a Doctor. Why the fuss? It is, because it is symptomatic, of a disease …

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The Name of Jesus
Think Aloud: Bible Baby Boomer Think Aloud: Bible Baby Boomer

The Name of Jesus

I have all the respect in the world for Christians who have a passionate reaction towards the utterance of “Jesus”. Some sincerely believe that name is sacrosanct, shouldn’t be named in vain. I respect that. Others equally …

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Clean Prayers
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Clean Prayers

It is almost as obnoxious as the shrieks of pigs being slaughtered in hidden rooms in the Temple. Such prayers give God goose bumps! Prayers for Ukraine suddenly became in vogue. “Pray for Ukraine!” …

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Clean Christians
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Clean Christians

Why then the eerie silence in Hong Kong from priests, Protestant in particular, on matters of blatant injustice and overreach of police powers? What is to stopping a HK Christian lawyer from, in their private capacity …

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Clean Para-church
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Clean Para-church

You knew about Clean Church. You should know about Clean Para-Church. How many academics in theology in HK dare to stand up? … Other organisations are even purer, as they tend to limit themselves to teaching Bible …

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Called to be a minister?
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Called to be a minister?

“You said you are called by God to offer yourself as a minister. You want me to believe that!” I mean no disrespect. I judge not their calling by their ensuing personal life or career success …

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Reverence (2)
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Reverence (2)

Irreverence increases with attending Sunday services. It is natural. When it wasn’t possible to worship at church, we turned to the internet ...

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Reverence (1)
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Reverence (1)

Irreverence increases with attending Sunday services. The Pastor who presided over the service thanked the LORD for dying on the cross. Don Carson would have a heart attack ...

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Clean Church
Think Aloud Baby Boomer Think Aloud Baby Boomer

Clean Church

You wouldn’t have noticed. No, you wouldn’t. By that I was referring to the increasingly plain and painful fact, that sitting thru Sunday services, on line or in person ...

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