To Itinerary Preachers
This is a heart-felt message from an old timer. Years ago, a well respected retired Bible Professor told me he had one major regret: that his ministry was at the expense of him attending church without his wife for many years …
Concerning Sermons (4): Preacher, it’s never about you!
God has entrusted you a message. It is for us. Why then do you get in the way? Why then see it as fans getting and applause collecting event? If it is about us the recipients, then speak our language …
Concerning Sermons (3): Converse Not Teach
Preacher, please don’t teach anymore. I long to converse. Can you do that in your sermon? I knew my failures. I knew my hurts. I knew my guilt and shame. You don’t seem to know. Do you know what I need …
Concerning Sermons: Hearing with Heart (2): Mentolatry
Senior Pastors from mega churches of the Alliance and Evangelical Free denominations all committed a cardinal mistake. Cardinal, because it sets the wrong path for many sermons to follow …
Concerning Sermons (1) : Hearing with Heart
It’s a struggle, perennial one. Heart vs mind. Such a false dichotomy. Such an imposition of phantom categories. Still rearing it’s head though in fact, it was torn apart ages ago, by Paul and …