Surprised by Grace (23): Never gives up

Resolved to quit drinking in 2023!
To lose weight!
To exercise daily!    
To be merciful to trespassers!

It’s the time for annual rituals.

That’s the trouble.
It gets to a point so defeatist in these that no one wants to do new year resolution anymore.
No success.
Year after year.
Might as well quit!

Anyone would quit.
Fortunate not everyone.

Long ago God spoke many times and in many ways to our ancestors through the prophets. And now in these final days, he has spoken to us through his Son.” (Heb 1:1-2 NLT)

No need to quantify “how long”.
No need to ask “how many”.
The point is made.
No response over all the generations, and regardless of the ways.

Stiff neck is still stiff.

Should this people be written off?
Obviously the passage says no!
One final push was attempted.
The Son came.

Did that way work?
Well they crucified him.

Was that way stopped cold?
Not quite.
For it is said elsewhere that it continued: the message of reconciliation was given to the Church. (2 Cor 5:18-20)

But clearly even that didn’t have rave success.
Just look at the world.
Or the deserted church buildings.

Human patterns suggest at certain January 1, no more resolution will be set.
No need.
Lost cause.

Stop calling this people to return.
Let them perish.

“Long ago … now”, so is “now” over?
Don’t know.
Seems it is still “now”.

When will it be over?
Don’t know.

Here lies the surprise.
Happy Resolution Making!


Surprised by Grace (24): I don’t know how He could see me


Surprised by Grace (22): O come all ye faithful