只是問一下 (18):「敬畏上帝」指的是甚麼?



想象一下,當我閱讀詩篇一○三篇 11 至 13 節時,我會有甚麼反應。

11 天離地何等的高,

12 東離西有多遠,

13 父親怎樣憐憫他的兒女,

夾在兩節提到「敬畏他的人」之間,第 12 節居然有一個不起眼的「我們」。




誰是「敬畏他的人」(11、13 節),他們有何特徵?

如果「敬畏他的人」(11、13 節)指的是較好的「以色列人」或較好的「基督徒」,與「我們」(12 節)不同的話,那就相當奇怪。

況且,詩篇第一○三篇顯然是讚美上帝對以色列罪人的恩典和憐憫。因此,很難相信這篇詩,就是第 11 和 13 節,會用「敬畏他的人」來指「較好的」以色列人,或頭戴猶太光環的人!


在凱撒利亞有一個人名叫哥尼流,是意大利營的百夫長。他是個虔誠人,他和全家都敬畏上帝**。他多多賙濟百姓,常常向上帝禱告。」(使徒行傳十章 1 至 2 節《和合本修訂版》)
[**描述哥尼流為一個虔誠、敬畏上帝的人,大概是指他屬於「敬畏上帝者」的類別,是敬拜以色列人之上帝的人,通常守摩西律法,但沒有接受割禮,因此不算為猶太教徒。進一步資料,見 K. G. Kuhn, TDNT 6:732-34, 43-44, and Sir 11:17; 27:11; 39:27. God-fearer〕

我是希伯來人。我敬畏*耶和華-那創造滄海旱地之天上的上帝。」(約拿書一章 9 節《和合本修訂版》)



〔*或「敬畏」。原文動詞 יָרֵא (yareʾ) 的語義廣闊,包括「敬畏,敬拜,推崇,尊敬」(BDB 431 s.v.)。〕當上帝是這個動詞的對象時,它通常解作「敬畏」(引到服從;BDB 431 s.v. 1)或「敬拜」(=感到敬畏;BDB 431 s.v. 2)。由於對上帝的敬畏引到智慧和服從,此處大概不是這個意思。約拿聲稱自己忠於耶和華,與信仰假神的外邦腓尼基水手形成對比,他敬拜的是獨一真神。可惜他對上主的敬拜欠缺了道德上的先決條件。〕

那麼,詩篇一○三篇 11 和 13 節究竟指哪一班人?
抑或,它們只是說「那些敬畏他的人」,就像第 12 節的「我們」?如同約拿一樣?



Just asking (18): what does “fear God” refer to?

I have always had problems with rank and seniority though ironically I made my career in government where it was the most rank conscious.

Anyway, it roils me anytime if I am presented with a scenario where there could be classes of Christians in heaven, sort-of in first class, business, and economy!

Imagine my reaction upon reading Ps 103:11-13.

11 For his unfailing love toward those who fear him is as great as the height of the heavens above the earth.
12 He has removed our sins as far from us as the east is from the west.
13 The Lord is like a father to his children, tender and compassionate to those who fear him.

Sandwiched between two verses saying “those who fear him” lies a bland v 12 “us”.

If there were “halo” above “those who fear him”, on account of certain above average religious and moral behaviours, there were none above “us”.

So are these three verses talking about two different groups of people?

Or the same one group?

Who then are “those who fear him” (vv 11, 13) , and what are their characteristics?

If “those who fear him” (vv 11, 13) points to better “Israelites” or better “Christians”, and different from “us” (v 12), it makes exceedingly funny reading.

Besides, Ps 103 clearly extols the grace and mercy of God towards sinner Israelites. So it is hardly plausible to expect this psalm, even vv 11 and 13, to use “those who fear him” to refer to “better” Israelites, or with Judaistic halos!

But what about this NT passage:

Now there was a man in Caesarea named Cornelius, a centurion of what was known as the Italian Cohort. He was a devout, God-fearing man **” (Acts 10:1-2, NET)
Here NET provides a note that seems to place a halo on those who fear:
{** The description of Cornelius as a devout, God-fearing man probably means that he belonged to the category called “God-fearers,” Gentiles who worshiped the God of Israel and in many cases kept the Mosaic law, but did not take the final step of circumcision necessary to become a proselyte to Judaism. See further K. G. Kuhn, TDNT 6:732-34, 43-44, and Sir 11:17; 27:11; 39:27. God-fearer}

If God fearing denotes a stronger religious and moral behaviour over the “us” (Ps 103:12), how could one rate the behaviour of Prophet Jonah who claimed:
“I am a Hebrew, and I worship* the Lord, the God of heaven, who made the sea and the dry land.” (Jonah 1:9, NET)

Clearly Jonah didn’t exemplify anyone with halo even a rusty or broken one!

How should one render “fear”?

The note to that NET verse perhaps presents a way forward:
{*Or “fear.” The verb יָרֵא (yareʾ) has a broad range of meanings, including “to fear, to worship, to revere, to respect” (BDB 431 s.v.). When God is the object, it normally means “to fear” (leading to obedience; BDB 431 s.v. 1) or “to worship” (= to stand in awe of; BDB 431 s.v. 2). Because the fear of God leads to wisdom and obedience, that is probably not the sense here. Instead Jonah professes to be a loyal Yahwist—in contrast to the pagan Phoenician sailors who worshiped false gods, he worshiped the one true God. Unfortunately, his worship of the Lord lacked the necessary moral prerequisite.}

So, which group Ps 103:11 & 13 refers to?
Or are they just saying “those who worship him”, just like “us” in Ps 103:12? In the same way as Jonah?

Is there first class, business class, economy?

I’m just asking.


只是問一下 (19):壞?好?


只是問一下 (17):為何祂不尋找?